The facts that technical education plays a vital role in human resource development of the Country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life. Therefore, the special emphasis has to be given on the higher engineering education by opening new constituent campuses by the fully government funded university, named as Tribhuvan University.
Chitwan Engineering Campus (CEC) is the newly established constituent campus under Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University at Bharatpur Metropolitian-15, Rampur, Chitwan. Moreover, it is the extended arm of Institute of Engineering initiated after thirty- eight years outside the Kathmandu Valley within the Bagmati Province under Tribhuvan University. Currently, the campus has initiated an Architecture program with an intake of twenty -four number of students since 2076 BS and is planning to initiate other engineering programs in the coming years.
The vision of CEC is “Sustainable Technical Campus: A center of excellence” with a mission “to provide quality engineering education and research in the engineering areas relevant primarily to nation” having specific targeted goals along with specific objectives as par; Initiation of Need based Academic programs, development of Physical Infrastructure based on State of Art technology, ensured financial sustainability, establishment of Collaboration and cooperation among stakeholders.
The campus has an opportunity for developing required an academic and administrative physical infrastructure being large land parcel among five constituent campus under Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University.
The University Grants Commission(UGC) has already granted letter of Intent (LOI) to Chitwan Engineering Campus (CEC) in the beginning years of establishments and CEC is moving in the process of quality assurance and accreditation to impart quality technical education and under the process of SSR.
At this Juncture, the financial commitments by the concerned authorities is the major thrust for the speedy development of physical infrastructure along with mutual trust and cooperation. We always look forward for helping hands of all stakeholders in each step for the development of CEC. We assured the students to impart the best quality technical education following the rules and regulations set by the concerned institutions.